Friday, May 13, 2011

Heaven, or Hell?

People from The Family Radio have been going around New York City saying that Judgement Day, as in the day that God judges whether you are worthy of being redeemed when the Messiah comes will be on May 21, 2011. Even if I actually believed that that was true I would still not repent for my sins and be subservient to Jesus. I would first like to know where they got that date from. I have  also decided to use my own logic into defining what Heaven and Hell would be like according to how it is portrayed by religion. Heaven is a place where all the people who follow God's way go. Despite the fact that many argue what the right way is to follow God there, I have come to conclusion that, if there is a God only one way that is the correct way to follow him. Heaven can be a place where only Catholics, Jews, Orthodox Christians, etc only have access to. If only one way is right then Heaven is not a diverse place and if one was to go to Heaven then they would be bored out of their minds, because it would be a place where there would be no intelligent thought, everyone would not question God's judgement and everything would be provided for them so there would be nothing for them to do. To conclude this thought, I have decided that Hell would be a place where there is diversity, intelligent thought and, hard work. From here I have decided that Heaven is actually Hell, and Hell is actually Heaven.


  1. Hello Dasi!

    My name is Anders and I found your blog today, and would like to comment.

    You are correct that logically only one religion can be correct; and that if there is a Creator [which can be proven -see below], only the followers of one religion will reach Heaven. It can be proven logically that there exists a Super Intelligent Creator that created our universe and that the Instruction Manual of the Creator is found in the Torah [Proof: Link] and that the requirements of reaching the Realm of the Heavens is doing ones utmost to observe this Instruction manual - a prerequisite to receive the forgiveness of the Creator in His loving kindness - enabling Him to make us qodesh, which is a necessity in order to communicate with Him [Documentation: Link and previous link].

    Many persons that come to this conclusion are often quite intelligent, so there will be much intelligent thoughts in the Realm of the Heavens. I was a devoted Christian for six years, but left Christianity when I found that it contradicts logic, science, first century history and Torah. Yes, no one would question the judgements of the Creator, since His judgements are just - in contradiction with the judgements of many people whom contradict His Will.

    When it comes to hell, I would recommend this article in order to get some interesting insights: Link

    I wish you a nice day!
    Anders Branderud

  2. Thanks for sharing these articles.
