Saturday, March 19, 2011

Purim 2011: My First Purim Without Going to a Party of Some Sort

My Purim Costume

  I was always awkward when it came to Purim. I was never invited to a Purim party outside of school. This year I was invited to two Purim parties, yet I choose to be alienated. In short I skipped both parties.

   For those who do not know what Purim is, I will explain it to you. Purim is a result of how the Jews were not killed in the Persian Empire despite the fact that Haman, the king's advisor had the king sign a declaration saying that on the 13th of Adar the Jews will be killed. Queen Esther was kidnapped forcibly married to the king and revealed that she was Jewish, and that Haman wanted to kill her people. The king signed a declaration saying that the citizens of his 127 countries can try to kill the Jews, but the Jews had the right to defend themselves. Haman was hanged on the gallows that he wanted to hang his Jewish nemesis Mordechai along with his ten sons. Because of this today Jews celebrate, dress up, and drink. For those who are interested you can probably find an English translation of the Book of Esther.

  I wonder why I choose to seclude myself from everyone. I think that one reason is that, I am scared of making a fool out of myself. Another reason I think is because whenever I go to a party I tend to, pig out on the food, hang out in a more secluded part of the premises (like the back room, or if it was a party by my school my school auditorium rather than the gym where the party is going on), or as I said before make a fool out of myself in general. I thought that this year I would be more outgoing, but I was so busy with school and working on my philosophy and history papers. I know that I am the way I am, but I should stop making excuses for myself and attend more parties and events. I should open myself up to new experiences, I might even enjoy some of them. I also should be more prepared and actually buy a costume for Purim next year.

   However this year I decided to dress up as something that I have been scared of for a long time. I am dressing up as myself. This Purim I will not hide behind masks and costumes and pretend to be something I'm not, like other people. I am going to be myself and happy with that.
                                                      HAPPY PURIM!!!!!!!


  1. My approach to parties is to go for the food and then retire to a corner to read a book. If someone wants to talk to me they are welcome to come bother me.

  2. Yet I tend to find the noise overwhelming. Also most people will not come over to talk to someone sitting in the corner and reading a book. I, on the other hand, have problems telling if they would rather be doing something else at the moment, for example shaving their heads, than talking to me.
